Imitating the Byzantine EN T૪TO NIKA ('in this [sign] conquer') issue of Constans II
Los 3394
ISLAMIC, Time of the Rashidun. Pseudo-Byzantine types. Fals (Bronze, 21 mm, 3.65 g, 4 h), imitating the EN T૪TO NIKA follis of Constans II, uncertain mint, circa 19-39 AH / 641-660 AD. Imperial figure standing facing, wearing crown surmounted by cross, holding long cross in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left; in left field, N/K/Є downwards; in right field, o/K/A/I; above, crescent. Rev. Large m flanked by A/Ч and A/N/o; above, pellet-star-crescent (?); in exergue, mN. Album 3504. DOCAB 11. An attractive example of this usually crude issue. Earthen deposits, otherwise, very fine.

Ex Leu Web Auction 4, 24 June 2018, 1341.

The Byzantine EN T૪TO NIKA ('in this [sign] conquer') issues, struck under Constans II in 641-648, commemorated the famous vision of a cross of light, which Constantine the Great allegedly saw in the night before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312.
25 CHF
50 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 20:17:30 CEST
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